He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

February 22, 2006

I'm meeeeellllting!

Slowly but surely, an inch or so at a time. I caught a gander at myself in the mirror this morning as I was getting dressed and noticed, for the first time, a distinct lack of love handles. Yippee! Of course, they're still there when I sit down (especially with the slouchy, slumpy way I sit), but when I stand up, it's uninterrupted curves, baby! *preens*

The fat is coming off slowly, but it is coming off, and without working out (and with the Valentine chocolates I got from Matt), which, as I've said before, is extremely encouraging. But one plus to being out of work in less than a week is that I'll have plenty of time to exercise, so that should speed up the process. I'm actually starting to fear that I'll have lost so much weight by the time I go to have my wedding dress fitted that they won't be able to take it up that much. Yes, there are definitely worse problems to have, but still, 'twould suck if that were the case. This is what I get for ordering my dress so early. Darn my gun-jumping enthusiasm.

In other news, the sun's finally out, the snow is melting, and that's quite enough winter for me for one year, thanks. Spring, you can move in now. Winter, skedaddle. You have my permission to come back around Christmas, but that's it. We're through.

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