Oh well. Life goes on. I'll submit my resume to places, keep in touch with the temp agency, and hope for the best. As for the 'net, I still have access to my mom's computer, gorram slow thing that it is, so I won't be completely out of touch. Maybe once Matt gets moved out to the house we'll all be able to go in together on DSL. That's a little way down the road yet, though.
Speaking of Matt moving, he finally talked to his leasing office, and even with giving two months notice, if they can't find someone to take over his apartment by the time he's ready to move out, he'll have to keep paying for it until his lease expires. But! Last night, there we were hanging out on his patio when a woman from the other side of the complex walked up to say that she wants to relocate to a more energy-efficient apartment in two months when her lease expires, and the office told her to talk to Matt. Once they were done interviewing each other and exchanging contact info, she said she wants to shop around a little more and think it over, but that she'll let us know by Tuesday. *crosses fingers and prays*
Also: after he made some crack about me not being willing to elope, I reminded him for the umpteenth time that I would happily elope as long as I and my family still get to have a wedding later on, and I could practically see the gears in his head turning. I've also been researching Irish and German wedding customs to possibly include in our wedding, and one German custom is for the couple to have a civil ceremony for themselves first, and then have the big religious ceremony for the family later, albeit only three days later. Still, no reason we couldn't stretch that out a few months. So don't be too shocked if we end up just getting married and having him move in with me instead of having him rent separate quarters from my mom.
This post is already getting long, but it might be my last one for a while, so I might as well keep going.
Things I'm Hoping For
I keep telling myself that I'm just going back to the plan that I had before I fell into this job, which I never dreamed would last an entire year. Said plan is thus: temp, write, get married. Then go from there. I don't think it's a bad plan. Sad as I am about losing the job, I'm relieved to be getting back on track. I'm relieved that I'll get to be a writer again.
Maybe it's not such a sad day, after all.
I'm glad you are focusing on the positive and making a plan to keep busy.
My boyfriend has been out of work twice in 8 months, and I keep trying to get him to do the same.
Man, I can't not stay busy. Even if I didn't already have so much to do, the ADD would find plenty of other ways to keep me occupied. I'm just grateful to finally have time to catch up on stuff around the house.
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