...and also a big ol' tease. She got me all excited and rarin' to go this morning, and then she abandoned me to Monday apathy. Bitch.
So how was your weekend, dear reader? Mine was pleasant--not terribly exciting, but pleasant. Matt and I made a sojourn to the organic market, where he found himself in nitrate-free sausage heaven and I picked up some of that steel cut slow cooking oatmeal that that Zone guy's always going on about. That place always features a fun mix of aging yuppies, aging hippies and hip, artsy twenty-somethings, neither of which crowd we fit into, but I think we managed not to do too blantant an impersonation of sore thumbs. And you wouldn't think that of those groups it would be the hippies who are the most pushy and rude. But you would be wrong. This one woman in particular--who actually looked like she used to be a hippie but has since sold out and joined the Lexus crowd but can't quite let go of her hippie roots--literally shoved me out of her way no fewer than three times, one of which she nearly dropped a jar of peanut butter on my foot. Good times. At least she had the grace to apologize for the near-miss.
On Sunday I managed to completely avoid all Super Bowl hype. I spent my Super Sunday with Superman -- watching both the Smallville ep I'd missed Thursday (*sniff* bye-bye DaddyBo) and a couple eps of Lois & Clark -- and organizing all of the paper clutter that I've amassed over the last six months. Every stray piece of paper in my place got either filed, shredded or tossed. I was feeling rather super myself by the end. Oh, and I also did my taxes. I'm getting back enough to cover Matt's wedding ring. Or possibly a new refrigerator. Either way, HOORAY!
And now I suppose I should get off my arse (figuratively, at least) and spend at least a couple hours earning my keep around here. Maybe later (if the guilt will let me) I'll type up a scene (possibly the beginnings of a short story, but most likely just a stray scene) that's been floating around in my noggin all weekend and post it. Maybe. After I've at least dealt with all the crap that needs to be mailed out this week that should have gone out last week and all the new conference registrations that showed up in my e-mail this morning. I just need to woo motivation to come back and get a rise out of me again. This time hopefully she'll stick around and follow through.
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