He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

February 10, 2006

Roller Coaster of Lurve (Ooh ooh ooh!)

Weird week, fraught (yes, FRAUGHT!) with ups and downs. Friday couldn't come too soon.

Monday night I hit Target again and came home with a bounty of shelves (and a towel rack!) for my bathroom. I had every good intention of installing them and getting my organizing-fu on for Tuesday, but I only had time to get in a couple hours of writing before Matt called, sounding about as depressed and dejected as I've ever heard him sound, doing that "No, that's okay, you don't have to come over, I'll be okay" thing in a voice that says "Yes please, come over, I'm dying, come here right now." So I dropped everything and went. I don't do that often (nor does he ask (or hint for) me to), but he doesn't sound like his whole world is collapsing in on him that often, either. It was the least I could do.

Turns out he woke up with a weird pain in his side and it freaked him out and sent him on a downward spiral of fearing his own mortality, getting sick again and making me a young widow, losing his vision (he's been having some diabetes-associated vision problems -- it's correctable, but still, scary)... the usual. Plus he just rilly rilly missed me. Aw. So we hung out and snuggled and talked and he got all his fears off his chest and I listened and encouraged and promised to stick with him no matter what happens, and as he began to cheer up our conversation became less serious and more fun, and we ended up spending hours just lying around and talking about whatever. Hadn't done that in a long time. We're always so on the go and we usually only have a couple hours together a day, so we try to cram in wedding talk and DVDs and whatall. It felt really good to reconnect with him like a newly dating couple. By the time I got back home, I was pretty well over the whole organizing jones and ready to crash before the telly. So that was my Tuesday.

Wednesday and Thursday were a blur of work hecticity and wedding discussions and minor snit-inducing disagreements with the boy, the upshots of which are that we've got our wedding date and honeymoon options considerably narrowed down, and that often if he does something boneheaded and sorta jerky he comes around to realizing that he was boneheaded and jerky and corrects his own behavior fairly quickly without my having to do much more than look faintly disappointed at him, and then he's back to wonderful again. Sigh. Can't help loving that man o' mine.

Today, I'm alone at the office (for a few hours, anyway), and I've been told to save all of the membership paperwork for training the new gal, who will be flying in from the new office in DC next week to learn how to do my job. So I'm catching up on all of the clerical stuff I've been neglecting. I'm starting to wish that I brought my writing, but I'd probably be too distracted by the interwebs to work on it anyway. I did indeed start that story that I mentioned on Monday, but when my intro crept up to the thousand word mark and I didn't even get to the main action yet, I figured it's going to be bigger than I originally thought. It might even turn out to be marketable, which means I'd better not post it here after all. Well, maybe an excerpt of the rough draft, but that's all. We'll see. It's been pretty much impossible to squeeze in any more writing time since Tuesday morning, but I have high hopes for the weekend.

Not tonight, though. Tonight will bring a pedicure and a cup of hot chocolate with a shot of brandy and Battlestar Galactica and some fast & furious shawl knitting. I :heart: Fridays.

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