The TV cabinet, she is finished. And she turned out very nicely, if I do say so myself. My sore muscles are surely glad that the project turned out to be worthwhile.
For my next trick, I'm going to convert an old writing table into a rolling kitchen island. Y'know, I firmly believe and trust that the Lord will provide all my needs, and I'd been wondering how the heck I was going to afford all the extra cooking and counter space I'm going to need for my kitchen. And then suddenly I got hit with all of these ideas for repurposing things I already have. The writing table will solve my island problem, and the new-old media cabinet frees up my TV cart, which will become a microwave/appliance cart, which will free up a lot of counter space in the kitchen. AND! Matt's old dresser that will absolutely not fit in the bedroom (nor go with any of my bedroom furniture) and that he doesn't want to let go will, it occurred to me the other day, make a perfect buffet cabinet. The Lord works in mysterious ways, yo. Now if He'll just mysterious me up a new fridge, my kitchen will be all set.
Repurposing things is fun, even if it takes forever and causes great back, shoulder and muscle pain.
In other news, want a free trip to Ontario to refinish a hardwood floor? You see to be experienced in the sanding of wood department...
Ha ha, ha! In a word: No. ;p
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