He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

August 29, 2006

It's gotten less good.

Thanks to Matt's shiftless friends all flaking out on him... okay. I haven't met most of them. I don't actually know that they're shiftless. And many of them have far to travel, and circumstances and whatever, so "flake" might be too strong a word. But I still want to kick all of their asses right now, so I'm in no mood to be gentle. At any rate, through a series of circumstances and let-downs, Matt has ultimately asked my #2 nephew to be his best man. Nephew #2 currently doesn't have a car that runs nor friends available to drive him to the sto'. So guess who doesn't get to go home after work and snuggle with her honey and tend her injured doggie and call it an early night and get all caught up on her sleep? Guess who has to go pick up her nephew after work and schlep him around all night to order his tux and run various other bestish mannish errands?

Thanks a lot, Matt's friends.


Anonymous said...

You are actually Matt's best man and best friend.

Not a bad place to be.

Jean Bauhaus said...

Aw, yeah. Last night I told him, "I'll come to your wedding." At least that got a smile out of him.

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