I love you. I think you're awesome. Such is your charm that by the end of your first season I managed to make myself forget and forgive that you do absolutely no research whatsoever into anything at all, ever, and pretty much pull everything out of your collective butt, particularly when it comes to settings. I mean, you took Amber Benson and made her into a hot vampire, and she's not the first former Buffy-verse actress you've given work to, so that right there gives you enormous credit in my book. Plus, y'know, Jensen. But when you try to make Vancouver pass for Oklahoma? Any part of Oklahoma, which is actually a pretty geographically diverse state, but still, totally not Canada? It just doesn't work. Especially when you stick a huge effing gorge in the middle of a town that's flat as a pancake and has no waterways. Please stop it. You're seriously interfering with my suspension of disbelief.
But not with the love. That is yours indefinitely.
Okie Jean
hehehe - welcome to the world of watching tv in los angeles - esp many many many eps of buffy and angel (hey, wait a second angel, i know you're a vampire, but you can't drive that way on that street!!).
anyway, YAY supernatural! *g*
Fenwic had to listen to all the ranting I did the last time SPN went to "Oklahoma," which also failed to convince me that they were anywhere near anywhere near this part of the US, and plus with the poorly researched local tribes and all the Native American stereotypes (which actually made me think of you at the time...), so this time I thought I'd spare her and spread the rant around. But, yeah. It's got to be especially amusing to live in such a high-profile city and see shows constantly get it wrong. Especially when they, y'know, actually film there.
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