He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

October 27, 2006

The Joys of Womanhood

Yesterday was a bitch of a day. The last few days have been pretty bitchy, actually, but yesterday was definitely the bitchiest. I'm not going to go into the details. Suffice to day that there were cramps and uncontrollable crying and depression and the inability to focus for more than three seconds on anything other than an intense desire to go home and claw my uterus out before it could succeed in killing me. But it turns out that it doesn't want to kill me. Oh no. It merely wants to punish me for suppressing that for which it was made, and so, like an angry Niska getting his jollies torturing Mal Reynolds, it pushes me just past the brink of my tolerance and then brings me back so that it can inflict more punishment on me later. I guess I should just be thankful that it can't slice off my ear.

Things are getting better today, though. There are still cramps, but Frauline Uterus seems to be getting tired, and its heart just isn't in the torture anymore. And this morning my husband managed to tell me that he'd like to go out Monday night for our First Date Anniversary instead of on Sunday, the actual anniversary date, without having me burst into tears and wonder, cryingly, if he still loves me and what this all means for our marriage, so that's progress. I even find myself possessed of the rationality to understand how blessed I am to have a guy who even still cares about celebrating our First Date Anniversary now that we're married, all good signs that I'm finally snapping out of it. Thank God.

My energy is still low and I'm still feeling pretty bleah, but at least I don't find myself wanting to punch anybody in the face. It's almost like I'm myself again. Praise be and hallelujah, the demon of hysteria is back in its cage for another month.

Oh, and speaking of hysterical demons and totally OT, but did anybody else catch Gary Busey hunting ghosts at Waverly Hills Sanatorium on VH1 last night? Gary crazy. I'm pretty sure the ghosts were more scared of him than he was of them. I know I sure was.

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