Jamie Kelman's Makeup Tips for Monsters - Halloween makeup how-tos from a former Buffy makeup artist.
Speaking of former Buffy artists... I've been pretty out of touch with the fandom since leaving LiveJournal, and I've no doubt this news is ancient history over there, but I just today became enlightened to the fact that James Marsters has been cast as a "co-lead" in an actual studio movie starring Hillary Swank and Gerard Butler, among other big names.
Now, if you know me at all, you know that I lurves me some Marsters. Gaining a flesh-and-blood husband may have diminished the passion I once had for my fantasy TV boyfriend, but there is still a lingering affection that will never fade, no matter what kind of cornball endeavor he pursues. And even I have to admit that, post-BtVS, it seemed like his entire career was in danger of becoming one giant cornball endeavor and his talent was going to waste. So it both pleases and pains me a little to admit that as I read the news, first that this was a "real" studio movie that's neither made for cable nor direct to DVD, and then the rest of the cast list, my reaction was pretty much thus: "Really? Really?! Wow, really???" Really! Yay, James! Get on with your bad movie star self! And please don't blow it. I'd much rather go to the theater and lay down my eight bucks to see you as something other than Spike than have to fast forward through any more TiVo'd episodes of The Mountain. Go Jimmy go!
And have you seen his new movie star hair?? It took me a bit to get used to (because I really do like the curl), but wow! Hot!!!
I'm right there with you on the reaction to the news... I almost couldn't believe he'd actually gotten a good part in a real movie, from a real studio, with other real actors! Yay!
No! There are pictures? Can you link me? Yay James!
Ask and ye shall receive!
Now that I know your heart holds a fondness for Mr. Marsters, I'll try to remember to keep you up to date on any exciting tidbits that come my way.
I didn't like his nearly bald look, and I think the dark black is too severe for the man. But, I do like hair. Funny, I think he looks best as a curly blonde.
Yes, I'm very happy he is finally appearing in something that isn't Movie of the Week. It made me sad to see the sop he was doing. This new movie, with its high profile cast, sounds very promising for his career.
Muchas, muchas gracias for the link. Eee! He's still gorgeous. I like the hair, but I can't say I approve of the surfer dude bangs. I kind of dug the salt and pepper thing he had going on after shaving off the blond, but the dark brown looks good (and much, much better than the Grecian Formula they made him wear on Smallville). At any rate, our boy's still fine. And I don't mean Milton.
Here are a few more pics that were taken on the set of the movie.
Hee! He looks all maniacal and--dare I say--slightly pervy in that close-up pic. But his hair looks good.
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