He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

November 2, 2006

Gratitude Journal, vol. 5

1. I'm grateful that my husband and I can argue in a way that's respectful and actually facilitates communication and solves problems.

2. I'm grateful for my husband, period.

3. I'm grateful for autosave, even though I had it set to too long an interval and lost half a scene when we had a power outage yesterday afternoon; and I'm grateful that I was able to remember most of what was lost.

4. I'm grateful to have a job that not only allows me time to write (most days), but also doesn't mind me using company resources to do so.

5. I'm grateful both for and to all of the people who have shown an interest in and/or support for my writing.
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