He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

November 1, 2006

Happy November!

Man. Can you believe it's November already? Don't worry, I'm not about to scrounge up thirty links on turkey and pilgrims. I'm going to be far too busy taking part in the NaNoWriMo insanity. To prepare myself, I started a new blog: Jean Writes Genre. That is where I'll post chapters and keep all my progress reports, so you don't have to worry that this space will be dominated by any of that stuff. But if you care about that stuff enough to keep up with it and cheer me on, then come on over.

In the aftermath of Halloween, as happy as my tastebuds were kept yesterday, with the pancakes and the chili followed up with coneys for dinner and oh dear LORD all the candy, is exactly as miserable as my stomach is today. At least my pants still fit, so I've got that going for me. I will definitely be hitting the gym on my lunch hour, and I'm swearing off processed sugar and starches for at least the next two weeks. And possibly also all alcoholic beverages. It's damage control time, people. If I can eat healthily for these next couple of weeks, then I can get through Turkey Day without any guilt.

And now it's time to stop blogging and start writing. Best of luck to all of my fellow Wrimers, and happy drafting!
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