He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

August 7, 2007

TV Boyfriend Tuesday: Reader Request Edition #1

I played hookie from blogging yesterday, as there were just too many other things going on. But today I'm back (huzzah!) and ready to get down to bidness.

Friend of the blog Valerie voted for her TV boyfriends*:
Jim Halpert (John Krasinksi from The Office)

Elliot Stabler (Christopher Meloni from L&O: SVU)

Gregory House (Hugh Laurie, House MD...yes, I know he's wicked older, but a hot older nonetheless...and he plays the piano-triples hotness quotient)

With that last, I totally agree. That's why this one will be a little House-heavy.

On to the eye candy!




But first, let's remember where he came from:

On to the hot Doctor:

And the piano!

*Valerie also requested Jack and Sawyer, but I'm saving them for a Very Special Lost edition when we get closer to the season premiere.

That concludes this week's edition of TV Boyfriend Tuesday. As usual, if you would like to see your own personal TV Boyfriend(s) in this space, leave a request in the comments.
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