He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

April 25, 2008


The boys are back! I must have missed an episode somewhere, though (unbelievable!), because I had no idea who the Ghost Facers were. However, that made it no less funny.

I was going to say a lot more, but then things got busy, and now I'm out of time, so I'll just sum it up thusly: new SupernaturalYAAAAY!

Also, before I go: Rickroll cake!

Have a good weekend, folks.


Jeff said...

The Ghost Facers were first seen in 1.17 "Hell House." However, I think the real target of mockery in that episode was the A&E reality show "Paranormal State."

Oh, and I applaud your right-minded Supernatural fandom.

Jean Bauhaus said...

Thanks! Now I know what I'll be watching on my lunch hour.

Now if I could just figure out which '80s cartoon theme song the Ghost Facers theme reminds me of...

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