He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

March 15, 2009

Friday the 13th hurt me in more ways than one.

Poor Speedy Pete. He's desperate for some play time, but Husband's engrossed in guitar practice, and I just don't have the energy.  Just bending over to pick up his Little Blue Fuzzy Dog and throw it for him to fetch is too taxing. I don't know what's wrong with me this time, but I have what feels like a dull headache over my entire body, and my energy is nil. It hit me yesterday afternoon and has gotten progressively worse. Actually, I think it started Friday evening, but I had been cleaning all day and figured I was just worn out. You would think, being stuck at home as much as I am these days, that I would be relatively safe from picking up whatever bugs are going around, but apparently you would be wrong.

I don't mean to only post when I'm sick. But the trouble with having a personal blog and no personal life to speak of, as it turns out, is that it leaves one with very little to talk about that is interesting to other people. Getting sick is the most exciting thing I've got going on these days. I did get out to see Friday the 13th with a friend last week, but all I've got to say about that movie is that Jason shouldn't run.

Seriously--oh hey, I guess I have a bit more to say about it after all!--it was an okay remake/reboot/prequel to the sequels, or whatever it was they were going for, and a decent piece of nostalgia for those who, like me, organized many Saturdays being dropped off at the mall with their friends so they could sneak into the latest R-rated Freddy/Jason/Michael Meyers high-&-horny teen slaughter fest. But if these Saturdays also turned one into a purist, then fast, clever, cruel, hostage-taking Jason is going to feel twenty shades of wrong. I'll stick with my slow-moving, brute-force, imbecile, slash first, ask questions never Jason, thank you very much.

Having said all of that... I now need to go lie down. Stay tuned to this spot for more non-adventures of the sickly and unemployed!


The Bumbles said...

I don't know why but I was so angry when I saw the commercials for the F13 remake. I don't think cheesy horror should ever be cleaned up.

Jean Bauhaus said...

I wasn't angry, but I did roll my eyes every time the commercial came on. Marcus Nispel (he did the Texas Chainsaw remake, too) doesn't really get what made these movies so classic, and I do wish he'd stop trying to "reboot" them.

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