He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

February 15, 2010

Goal Post & Update

Wow, y'all. Work has been busy. I didn't blog last week because there just wasn't time. This is excellent news for our ability to pay our bills, although this pace is already threatening to burn me out. I haven't been able to touch my novel, either, and any time off I've managed to grab has been spent trying to cram in all of the stuff that has to be done that I don't get paid to do. I am, in a word, tired.

So now that I've got the productivity goal conquered, my goal for this and the upcoming weeks is to work on finding balance and pacing myself. I need to manage that extra eight hours better and give myself a little more time to do things I WANT to do and not just what has to get done. That way, hopefully, lies sanity, and avoidance of that mental energy wall I keep running into by Thursday afternoon.

To that end: it's after 9 PM on Monday night, and instead of working till 11 like I have been, I'm going to go put my feet up and find something to watch on Netflix, and then I shall read until I get sleepy, and it shall be bliss.

What are YOU doing to stop the insanity, my fellow goalies?

ETA: I can't believe I almost forgot! One of the projects that's been keeping my nose so hard-pressed against the grindstone is finished (mostly -- I still have to redo the blog template and revise the video on the home page) and officially launched last night. Check out my handiwork for FutureWave Consulting.

Now if I can just find time to update my portfolio (without burning out my brain)...


Valentine said...

I have two ways to stop the "work-from-home-insanity" firstly own a dog, it's company and keeps you fit.Secondly a glass of wine and the TV at 9pm - perfect!

Jean Bauhaus said...

I have a dog, and he's not much help. I guess I might be even more burned out if I didn't have to stop what I'm doing all the time to pay attention to him--but then again, maybe I'd get my work done sooner.

Man, I miss wine. We're currently trying to start a family, so wine's off-limits for now. Which might be another reason I'm always so stressed lately.

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