He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

January 23, 2006

There's always a catch.

I love my boss, and I hate that I'm only going to work for her for another month. She's a total mama hen, and I think she's more worried about what I'm going to do next than I am. She's always on the look out for opportunities for me. She's already about got our new executive director talked into flying me down to New Orleans to help out with the annual conference in July (if I'm available, natch). More importantly, she was just in here to tell me that she's talked her husband (whom I've met, and who also seems pretty cool) into considering me for a job at his company.

She made it sound like he's ready to offer me the job if I want it. It pays well, has good benefits, and best yet, has a 4/10 work-week, so I'd still have 3 days off. The catch? It's 80+ miles away. An hour-and-a-half commute each way + 10 (11 counting lunch) hour schedule = not enough sleep nor quality cuddle time with the hubby(-to-be) during the week for Jean.

So I'm thinking it's a no go. If it was for something I loved, something less administrative and more creative, I'd probably go for it and find a way to make it work. But good pay and benefits alone aren't enough of an incentive to get me to run myself ragged. Even if it didn't mean I'd only really see Matt 3 days a week (or less, depending on his schedule), I just don't have that much stamina. Too bad it couldn't be closer. Still, I :heart: my boss (and mr. boss) for thinking of me.


I have psoriasis of the scalp. Nice, eh? I've had it pretty much since puberty kicked in, and the only thing I've found that really works on it is extra strength Neutrogena T-Gel shampoo. I hate it, because it's stinky and I can't color my hair without this stuff stripping it away within two weeks, but without it, my scalp gets all kinds of nasty.

Matt recently discovered that I use this shampoo, and that it contains coal tar, which has been linked to cancer, and he's pretty well freaked. We've had an ongoing argument about it since he found out I use it. Boy has a super-freaky sensitive nose, too, so even when I follow it up with two rounds of nice smelling shampoo plus conditioner plus layers of leave-in and de-frizzer and hair gel and hair spray, all he can smell is the coal tar, and it makes him afraid to even hug me for fear of inhaling potential cancer.

So since I had a day off from seeing him yesterday, I washed my hair with the T-gel. I didn't have time to re-wash it this morning, so to cover up the smell and avoid another argument this morning I tried this trick I read somewhere of putting talcum powder on your scalp to absorb excess oil and whatall. Worked like a charm, except now the powder keeps falling out of my hair like dandruff, and when I brush it off it leaves powdery streaks on my clothes. Fun! Also, sigh.

I don't suppose there's anybody within the reach of this blog who has any experience with psoriasis and can recommend an alternative to the T-Gel? Lesser dandruff shampoos just don't cut it. I read somewhere that Nizoral might work, but I've tried the OTC version, and that didn't work either. I have told Matt that this problem isn't going to go away and at some point he's going to have to learn how to deal, but I do understand and respect his fear and am willing to do whatever I can to accomodate it. Besides, I'm not too keen myself on putting a carcinogenic substance on my head. So if anybody could point me in the direction of something other than coal tar shampoo, 'twould be muchly appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Sun uses the tar shampoo, too. I don't like it because it makes the pillows dirty. If you look at our pillow cases, his is grubby and mine is nice. I wash and wash them, but the tar grime never goes away. :(

I'm going to keep an eye out on this, because if there's a different shampoo that keeps the flakes away, I'll buy it.

Jean Bauhaus said...

Huh. Maybe it's because I always follow up with regular shampoo and conditioner, but I don't have that problem. Then again, my dad also used the stuff, and I remember his pillows getting pretty nasty. Maybe you can get Mr. Sun to wash his hair with something else after he washes it with the coal tar stuff?

Anonymous said...

Oooh, good idea. I hadn't thought to do that. Because I'm silly, I guess. But I'll mention it to him when he comes home. Thanks. :)

Jean Bauhaus said...

Come to think if it, some of my pillow cases are kinda grimy, but I think mine is makeup. I tend to have a bad habit of not washing my face before bed.

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