He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

February 1, 2006

Target is my happy place. Even when they're cheesing me off.

Yesterday: Had a nice day off that was an unusual combination of productive and relaxing. The most noteworthy thing is that I wrote a thousand words on the novel, which, HOORAY! I haven't sat down and rattled off a thousand words in a depressingly long time. Usually it's more like trying to force about half that -- and only actually accomplishing a quarter -- before giving up and shutting off the computer in frustration. Even yesterday took an hour of staring and pouting and fretting that I shouldn't even refer to myself as a writer any more for all of the non-writing that's actually getting done before I finally started pounding the keys, and then before I knew it I'd written several pages of stuff that I didn't even hate! Yay!

Later, after dutifully paying my bills and budgeting this week's pay, I went grocery shopping, and then stopped at Target where I spent an hour shopping for lingerie and bathing suits, figuring I could get the cute stuff they put out this week while they've still got it in my size and put it all on layaway--only to learn that Target doesn't do layaway anymore. Feh. I know, I could have signed up for a Target card and gotten them on credit, but the last thing I need right now is another charge card, so I sadly put it all back. Hopefully they'll still have the bathing suit I wanted in my size by the time I can afford to pay cash for it. Grumble grumble. But then I cheered myself up by letting myself pick ten items from the $1 Spot bins, the booty of which included:

  • A jumprope, which I brought with me to the office and jumped rope this morning. If I can do that every day maybe I can speed up my journey from almost size 10 to actual size 10.

  • Two laundry bags. Matt and I both have ancient laundry bags that are falling apart, so I got a new one for each of us.

  • A letter tray. This will go in my entryway to help me keep track of bills and whatall.

  • An earring organizer. Right now I keep all my earrings in a little beaded votive holder, which is cute, but when I need to find a pair I have to dump them all out on the counter. This new thing is less cute but way more practical.

  • A Valentine's day gift bag and various other organizing goodies.

    I also picked up from Wal-Mart a portable file organizer. I generally prefer a binder system for filing at home, but I've got too many binders taking up too much shelf space. Hopefully I can consolidate some of them into this thing. Plus it has a smaller section just for coupons and a whole big pocket for pens and scissors and such. As I picked it out I thought of you, fenwic, as it's just the sort of thing you'd recommend.

    When I got home I had good intentions of putting some of my new organizing toys to work, but by then I was pretty much pooped, so I managed some light housekeeping and pet upkeep before settling in to knit and watch TV. I did not watch the State of the Union address. I did watch Gilmore Girls and Supernatural. The former continues to be frustrating, yet still pretty funny; the latter continues to be all about the eye candy. Those boys are so cute in their Men In Black suits.

    Today: Got in some quality smoochies with my sweetie before work, jumped my rope, and now I'm trying to stay on top of things and not let them pile up again the way they have been lately. A lot showed up in my in box yesterday, though, and this morning's mail brought a lot of checks that need processing, so that outlook is grim. Also, my neck is stiff and I could really use a chair massage. But since that's not gonna happen, I'm gonna go fix myself some coffee as usual, and get crackin' on those checks.

    Anonymous said...

    I watched Gilmore Girls last night. I thought it was the funniest episode I'd seen in a long time. I absolutely loved the multitude of arguments at Friday night dinner. That made the show for me.

    Jean Bauhaus said...

    Same here. I'd been mildly spoiled for the FND and from what I heard I expected it to make me want to strangle Emily, but it was so hilarious watching all the issues come pouring out that it made me love the whole Gilmore clan all the more.

    Anonymous said...

    OMG Target! (I actually keep an ongoing "Target" list separate from my grocery list. And I'm hitting Target tomorrow, on the way home from organizing, heh. And yay!) OMG organizing! I know I always say this, but I want to come over and help :)

    Also, BRAVA THE WRITING! That's awesome. And brava the jump rope, too. Such a compact, simple, and effective thing. *adds to Target list*

    Thanks for the inspiration, ceej, and good vibes for more writing, organizing, and jumping :)

    Jean Bauhaus said...

    Dude, and I know I always say this, but if I had the funds I'd totally fly you out here to help. OrganizerCon! Whee!

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