I'm riding the interview train today. This week, actually. I had one Monday morning with another temp agency, and I had one this morning for a temp-to-hire job through my old agency. Then two more this afternoon, one with a contract-to-hire recruiting agency and one for another temp-to-hire job through the new temp agency (I've been with them all of three days and they're already sending me on interviews. They win at assignment finding!).
The one I just came from looks promising--great pay, great benefits, lots of filing and no phone answering or customer service, and I'd have my very own cubicle with walls that go all the way to the top. It seems like all stuff I can do and do well, except they mentioned light invoice processing, and after last week's fiasco with that invoicing job my confidence is a little shaken in that area. But they said they might not be able to give me the time off I'll need for my wedding and honeymoon, and that's pretty much a dealbreaker right there, so it might all be moot.
Next up is the recruiting agency interview, who is responding to the resume I put in a few weeks ago for an accounts receivable job. Again, my A/R confidence/experience levels are not that high, so this should be interesting. Maybe I can get them to put me on file for future administrative jobs. The third interview is for a straight-up high-level secretarial job, which is something I know I can do, even if there are parts I don't love. It's the farthest to drive, though, and a little out of the way for Matt and I to commute together. Hopefully it pays well enough to make the extra driving worth my while.
I've got about an hour and a half to kill before the next interview, so I came to the only coffee shop I know of in Tulsa with free 'net access, which just happens to be the same coffee shop Matt brought me to on our first solo date where we snuggled on the sofa in the corner. It looks like the shop has changed owners since then, but the sofa is still over there in the corner, and it's making me a little nostalgic and sad. So I'm gonna go find a table and add up the pros and cons from this morning's interview and fill out the application they gave me before I head out to find some cheap lunch. Maybe by the end of the day I'll actually have some employment options. Or maybe I'll still have a great big nothing. But whatever happens I gotta keep with the moving forward. Like a shark. On land.
Oh! I almost forgot--I found out via this new temp agency that I could have been drawing unemployment this entire time. I feel colossaly stupid for not checking this out. I was sure I'd read that temporary employment didn't count for unemployment benefits, but I realize now that I was confusing that with the rules for getting an unemployment deferment on my student loans. So, stupid. At least now if today's interviews don't lead to anything and I don't get any temp work this week, then next week I can go sign up for unemployment and still manage to pay all my bills. So the situation seems way less dire. Still, here's hopin' today leads to a real job.
Heh. Land Shark. Heh.
Ahem. So, good for all the interviews! I just know something good will happen soon.
*furrows brow and sends really good vibes to the greater Tulsa area*
The rules up here in Canada eh? are so long as your temp employer is taking deductions and you work the minimum number of weeks, you can apply for unemployment.
I imagine it's pretty similar down there. Most things seem to be.
Manoah- thanks, dahlink! It looks like the good vibes did their job!
Garnigal- I'm so cheesed off at myself for not even bothering to check. It would have been so nice to not owe my mom about a thousand dollars for all of the money she's loaned me to get by while I've been out of work. At least now I know that if this latest opportunity doesn't work out I'll be able to draw benefits, which is comforting.
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