So I get home today to find a message from the temp agency telling me not to bother going to work tomorrow. According to the recruiter, it's not me, it's them, they had many wonderful things to say about me but they feel they need someone with more experience in corporate invoicing blah-blah-blah-I'm-essentially-fired-cakes.
I gotta say, that was more than a little shocking. Not just because this sort of thing has never happened to me before--usually it's the opposite; I go in thinking it's just for a couple of days and they want to keep me--but also because they gave me the impression all day that I was doing really well. Hell, I gave me that impression. I was picking things up pretty darn fast, I thought, for it just to be my second day, and I was confident that by the end of my training week I'd have it down pat. But I guess that wasn't fast enough.
The cloud: I really, really, really needed this job. My bills are mounting and they're not going to pay themselves. And have I mentioned how much it sucks to be poor?
The silver lining: by the end of today despite doing my best to maintain a positive attitude, fueled by my desperation, I could already tell that the extreme tedium and repetition of this job were going to depress me fairly quickly. It made me appreciate being an administrative assistant. Answering phones is not something I love, but at least that job has variety. Maybe now the non-accounting side of my temp agency will finally come through with another administrative-type job that I can actually be whiz-bang at. Also: at least this paycheck should cover my car insurance bill that's due in two weeks. Phew to that.
Oh, and have I mentioned the parking ticket I got this afternoon because the parking lot attendant decided that the barely legible lot number between spaces 73 and 75 must be number 71, and not the number 74 whose slot I put my money in this morning? No? Well that happened to me today, too. Tomorrow I'll have to call the parking company and contest the ticket. Maybe I can just go down there while I'm in town getting my timesheet signed so I can actually get paid for the last two days so they won't be a complete waste of my time.
Frustration, thy name is Jean. So let's count some blessings before I go cry myself to sleep:
1. Thank God for my momma and the roof she's willing to provide for no charge until I get back on my proverbial feet.
2. Thank God for Matt and his emotional support. He's the best personal cheerleader I've ever had. And he's totally willing to put his schooling on hold until I find not just A job, but one that I can actually be content doing for a few years.
3. Thank God for His provision. The next big bill on my slate is covered now, and I just have to trust that the others will be covered as they come, too. He causes ALL things to work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose, so this is going to work out for the best somehow.
4. Thank God for more time to get our stuff squared away. I was trying not to let it stress me, but there's still so much to do around the house to get Matt settled in, not to mention to make wedding plans, big or small, and I didn't know how I was going to balance that with a full time job. At least now I've got more time to whittle it all down before I find a job that sticks.
5. Thank God that the temp assignments are finally starting to come in and I don't have to get myself a retail job. At least not yet.
I'm going to bed now, smug in the knowledge that I can sleep in tomorrow. Thank God for that, too.
Hugs, just hugs.
Thanks, Manoah. *clings and cries*
That's so sucky. Good for you for seeing the silver lining, but still, they are jerks for not giving you a chance. Did they not realize how smart and hard working you are?
Just jerks.
Hugs to you. (but not for jerks)
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