So it turns out that Li'l Sis had a tubal pregnancy. She was scheduled for surgery at 6:30 this morning. No word yet on whether she's out of surgery or how she's doing. She was supposed to call back last night with the special number we could call to get hospital staff to tell us how she's doing, but either she forgot or my mom wrote the number someplace where I couldn't find it this morning. I'll give my mom another half-hour to sleep before I call to see if she's heard anything.
My mother is not the most sentimental person ever, and she's generally not the sort who either requires or appreciates the concept of moral support. So I'm not so much irritated that she didn't go to the hospital last night to be with my sister--after all, she was babysitting Ash, and it's probably best that Li'l Sis get a break from mommy duty while she's going through this--but I am PO'd that she didn't tell me that Sis was in the hospital last night so that I could go be there for her. Although, she says she thought she did, and I admit that I could have been too distracted to hear it, so maybe the irritation should be aimed at myself. But still. I didn't find out about it until she called to see if we even knew she was in the hospital, and by then visiting hours were over and they were getting ready to knock her out for the night. And that's just irritating. She had her husband and in-laws there to support her, but still. I feel horrible that none of her family showed up. We completely suck.
I've managed to do Pilates consistently for a week now, and to eat healthy for just as long. I don't think I've lost weight (I'm really too afraid to step on the scales and discover just how much weight I gained in all my stress binging), but my problem areas are gradually becoming somewhat less problematic, so that's good. If I can just keep this up for the next seven weeks, I should be in pretty good shape for the wedding. Better yet, maybe I can actually hang out on some Caribbean beaches without being totally self-conscious.
I have a feeling I'll be working late tonight. That printer I got in a fight with the other day? It was broken (I didn't do it!) and needed a new part. Which is supposed to be installed this morning. Here's hoping it will be, because that machine is totally necessary to produce the thousand or so drawings I'm supposed to send out tonight, and by now there's a whole queue of people needing to use it. I just hope all the competition remembers I'm first in line. Then after work, assuming I have any energy left, even if it's Mt. Dew-manufactured, I need to hit a couple of department stores to try on and register for lingerie for my bachelorette party. I figured, with my girls being kind of hard to fit properly, it'd be easier (and less embarrasing) to just go register for things that do fit instead of giving out my measurements to everybody. Though I might end up rethinking that notion if I end up working too late tonight.
Make sure you let us know where you register, okay? I know you have links for the both of you, but I like buying girlie stuff. :)
*hugs to you and your sister*
Sweetie, I am so sorry about your sister and all she's having to go through. Sucks mightily.
Good for you on the exercise and eating. Hey! we can be cyber-workout buddies! I have about 5 1/2 weeks until Burning Man and I'd love to drop some more lbs!
Whatcha think? ;)
Love ya!
sunny - I hardly expect you to get me anything, but since you asked--Target and JC Penney. Though I might have to re-register at Penney's in a couple of weeks because almost all of their stuff was on clearance.
BTW, I haven't forgotten about your graduation. I'm just way behind on the gifting this year. If it makes you feel any better, my nephew hasn't gotten his grad present from me yet, either.
Manoah - Thanks. And, deal! Lord knows I could use the encouragement. A little accountability to somebody won't hurt, either.
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