He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

October 30, 2006

Hair Today...

I got my hair cut this weekend. It needed it pretty desperately, as it was in that limp, dry, cocker spaniel ear stage where it wouldn't cooperate and looked unhealthy and bad and my only line of defense were careless updos and pony tails. So Friday I bit the bullet and made an appointment, and Saturday I got it done.

I meant to take a "before" picture, but got myself in a rush and forgot. So this blurry close-up of my office ID badge picture, which is actually the "before" from two haircuts ago but still gives a pretty good idea of what I was dealing with, will have to do:

I knew that to restore any semblance of health I'd have to part with several inches, so split were my ends, so I hunted the Giant Internets Tubes for pictures of hair I like and think I might like to have, because I've finally learned that to go to a stylist for anything other than a trim, with no idea of what you want and just a vague description of what you're pretty sure you don't want, is DUMB. So ultimately I went in armed with this lovely picture of Cate Blanchette, circa the 2005 Oscars.

Not that I suffer any delusions of looking anything like Miss Blanchette, but I was pretty sure that my hair could do that. But I wasn't sure I wanted it quite as short as hers, so I said to the stylist, "I know a lot needs to come off, but I'd like you to leave it long enough that my husband doesn't make a face when he sees it." You know, that "Sweet mother, what's she done to her head?" face that they get while they're scrambling to think of complimentary-sounding things to say that won't get them in trouble while they adjust to the change. I didn't have to explain it to her. She knew. And so she gave me this:

It's not Cate Blanchette, but it's me, and that's good. I approve. Matt also approved, and didn't make the face as he told me so, so I believe him. It feels healthy and soft and bouncy and I can't stop playing with it. I feel pretty, even, which is nice considering I've got a date tonight--the previously mentioned First Date Anniversary Date, wherein we're going back to the restaurant where it all started. And now I have to confess that I took another picture of my hair earlier, and when I got ready to upload it I realized I wasn't wearing any lipgloss, and so I applied some and then re-took the picture, because I am nothing if not an extremely vain girly-girl who doesn't want to show the world her thin white lips.


Anonymous said...

I like the hair. The style suits you well.

Anonymous said...

Looking good. ;) I apparently feel all pervy today. Weird.

I read your post a while ago about looking for hairstyles on the internet and though "that's a good idea!" because I was too dim to think of it myself. I've had the same hairstyle for.... 11 years at least. That's just wrong. I started to grow my bangs out, so now I'm looking for something.

Like you, I have a fair bit of curl and I like the length. I can't do layers though - my hair is fine and dry and I just go "pouf" when I have layers (at least, it did the last time I had layers - in highschool).

And now I've written a novel in your comments about my hair. le sigh.

PS I'm rereading all your stories in ff.net and adultfanfiction.net, just because. Still love your writing.

Jean Bauhaus said...

Ha! Thanks, guys. I'm glad you all approve of my new hair.

Garnigal - thanks. A lot. I was wanting to look over TBE the other day, but it turns out that adultff.net is blocked by my work filter. I hope it's safe there until I get a chance to dl it at home, because as far as I know, that's the only copy in existence since my computer went kerflooie.

As for the hair, when I searched I gave up on salon hair pic sites and instead just Googled images using the phrase "[Celebrity name] + hair." I started with SMG and then just kept plugging in names as I could think of them.

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