He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

April 27, 2011

365: 15 and 250: 3

Weight - 176ish
Mood - Accomplished
Word count - 1,167

It's actually day 17 (or is it 18?) since I started the 365 project, but I think it's probably more important to count pictures than days. That's how I'm going to do it, at any rate, so I won't need to feel so bad about missing the days when I'm feeling significantly less than photogenic.

Today it finally stopped raining long enough for me to go workout, so here's what's becoming my usual "right before the workout" pic. If I looked a little dazed it's because I'd just finished writing a scene and the story was still continuing in my head.

I almost didn't work out today, just because it's been long enough -- a solid week, thanks to all the rain we've been having -- for the habit to die and, well, I just didn't feel like it. But I knew I'd feel better if I went for a walk, and I was right. No jogging, because like I said, 7 days, so I need to work back up to that. The thing that finally got me off my butt was the same thing that's been getting me off my butt for the last month or so: my Project Oven Repair mantra, "Just do it for the babies."

If Accuweather is actually right for once, then the rain is mostly gone for now and I shouldn't have any outside interference with getting back to my regular routine. Here's hoping.

Oh, and see that word count up there, for day 3 of the 250 Words a Day Challenge? All I have to say about that is: Boo-yah.

1 comment:

Hope said...

Congrats on getting yourself to do your workout today--that can be so hard when you fall out of the habit!

And I think your idea of counting the pics (and not the days) is a really good one). :-)

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